The Beginning…

So.. after a week of slugging it in day and night I have got my first web page done.. Feels good, especially when it nearly bought me to the edge of madness when I could not a get a single piece of text, or frame to be positioned at a specific place. For Pros it is a matter of seconds, but for me.. a man who has never even seen an HTML code, it was a daunting task.. But I have done it!!! Learnt HTML and CSS. And now my next target is Javascript and PHP.. to complete my web site designing and programming skills…

So what will my website have?? It will have my personal blogs, technical blogs and political blogs.

Personal blogs – Anything that I may encounter in my day to day life and I feel like sharing with everyone, in short my personal blog site.

Technical Blogs – By pure game of destiny I am working on programming, 3 years on COBOL, Unix and Oracle. My technicality got a major boost when I installed OpenSUSE on my laptop after trying Gentoo, Knoppix and Ubuntu . Now it is said, Linux is for hackers, and I have now personally experienced why.. You can just do anything with your system, JUST ANYTHING… Why did I switched over from Windows to OpenSUSE is just another story and I will surely put that in my “technical Blogs” section. Now, I have installed GCC (The GNU C compiler), Python, GTK+ and Oracle, and yes, Apache Tomcat . And, I plan to master each one of them…. Someday Surely.

Political Blogs – Now, it is said and just said that any Kashmiri Pandit Boy/Girl will be the most politically aware person among his/her peers. Rightly said when you have been forced out of your homes in the dead of night, do not let to take anything.. just anything because you are proud of being a citizen of the Country you live in!! And then, you are labelled as refugee for living in a country you are a citizen of… It hurts more when the Government of the country pays more attention and is more sympathetic towards the culprits than the victims. You are going to hear a lot from me on this…

In addition to the above you will find a Gallery where I will put shots taken from my Canon camera and some wallpapers which I fell in love with…

So keep tuned.. and just tell me what you would like here in my website.. My friends know my email ID so till I learn PHP and put in comments section, till then just do with that.. Please 🙂

And yes, I will have to thank Ketan, my college room partner, whose own website provided me the inspiration and who was and is there always to guide me..

openSUSE 11.2
openSUSE 13.2
  1. Andreas Hoivold left a comment on January 21, 2012 at 1:55 AM

    Hi Vivek!

    I am possibly blind, but I could not find any contact information for you. Is on you website? I am just blind? If not please send me an e-mail. I have some questions for you about software development in India, and you seem to have a lot of knowledge about that.


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