Set up local mirror of manual

I am building websites and at times I want to remain disconnected from the internet, but still want to keep looking at PHP, Javascript, jQuery or Bootstrap documentation. So here is what I do to refer documentation even when I am not connected to the internet. What we can do is mirror the official website on our local system. The instructions are there on PHP site on how to set up official mirrors. But these official mirrors have everything, Downloads, etc. Basically a whole copy of, content that we do not need. We only need manuals. So we can set up the unofficial mirror on our local web server. (more…)

PHP with Oracle

I am personally working on a Project, that has web UI having Apache server, PHP on server side and Oracle as database. For this I need to configure PHP so that it can talk to my Oracle database. The first error I got while querying the database using PHP was.
Call to undefined function oci_connect()
For this, we need to first install php5-pear and then using pecl, we need to install OCI8. (more…)